Courage: Powerful Lessons 2020 Taught Us About Strength and Resilience

The year of 2020 severely stretched our emotional, professional, and personal boundaries. It revealed our exposure to uncertainty, inequity, and risks in an unprecedented way. For many, it felt like our world was frozen at a standstill. Control over careers, relationships, emotions, and structure was lost; control over various facets of life that were so easy to take for granted were stripped from us.
But, instead of shying away, many decided it was an opportunity to be courageous by seeking new ways to grow. We had the honor of hosting three such women at our May 2021 HerPath webinar, and we hope they inspire you as they have inspired us. Amy McKenna, Angela Dunleavy, and Aiko Bethea joined us to discuss how vulnerability, transparency, and confronting your past all tie into the topic of courage. In one hour, they articulately break down the valuable principles they’ve learned in the last year. With the insights they have gained, they remind us “to focus on what is important,” “to keep going and check our surroundings,” and “to value who we are because we are, without a doubt, our best