HerPath: Vision, Mission, and the Exciting Year Ahead

As we celebrate entrepreneurs this month, I want to give a shout-out to my parents, Dan and Norma Hunt, who are serial entrepreneurs and gave me the bug early to be a business owner myself. I was also blessed to learn about money and personal finance through conversations around the dinner table and their personal example, including being shown the family budget when I was 16. This upbringing gave me the confidence to make financial decisions as I went out on my own, bought my first house, and became a shareholder in my twenties.

I know this is not everyone’s experience; however, and some women (and men) were raised in homes where money was either a taboo topic or one that was only discussed during stressful times. Wherever individuals fall on the spectrum of financial acumen and experience, I love the educational process because there is always more to learn. The world of finance and investments is continually evolving. I do this work because I see how powerful women can be when confident about their financial future.

Because this is such a passion of mine, it was natural that I would get involved with HerPath, one of the many important initiatives at Pathstone, and I am honored to serve as its chair currently.

HerPath Vision

Women are powerful and can build a better path for themselves, their families, and their community when they are empowered to be financially independent.

HerPath Mission

Create a welcoming and trusting space for women to come together, exchange ideas, collaborate, learn, and help each other grow. Encourage women to play a more active and integral role in their financial lives by elevating their confidence and furthering their knowledge.

Be on the lookout for our 2021 webinars and articles on all things financial, so you can further your own knowledge and elevate your confidence!

Please see the PDF version of this article for important disclosures.


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